Monday, December 10, 2012

What I Learned

About This Class:
In taking English 15S I learned how different a college course is from a high school course. Especially in an English class, the differences were very noticeable. On the very first day I realized how much more relaxed and laidback this class was compared to my English class last year. This was my first ever college class and it helped me to get used to the classroom atmosphere in a university. I found out that you did not have to raise your hand to go to the bathroom and that you can eat in class. This was completely foreign to me at the time. Another big difference was how understanding Ms. Squillante was as a professor and even granted us with three “sick” days to use as we pleased. Class-wise, the biggest thing that I learned that was relevant to English was about ethos, pathos, and logos. I have never studied these terms in the past. I do not know how I was able to understand an argument being made before I knew of these.

About Writing:
Another big difference between high school and college was the type of work. In the past, all my work was done out of workbooks or textbooks. Exercises would be assigned and need to be completed for the next day. In class this year just about all of the assignments were done electronically and there was much more writing assignments. I learned to write in this class by reading from our textbook, Everything’s an Argument. This was helpful in explaining step by step how to improve your writing. It also helped when Ms. Squillante read excerpts from other works aloud and explained what was good and what was bad. Reading books was also incorporated in past classes, but not in this one. I liked this way better because reading novels never helped my own writing ability. Instead, my writing was improved through help from Ms. Squillante and my fellow classmates.

About Penn State:
I found out a lot of helpful information about Penn State University through taking this course. I found out how we were voted the number one party school a couple years ago. I discovered a lot about the atmosphere inside a class at Penn State and how other students felt about the scandal from last year. Most importantly, I learned about the campus in general. History of the campus, great places to visit, and what to do were all revealed to me in taking this class.

About Myself:
Throughout the course of the semester, taking English 15S, I discovered a few things about myself. One of the most important things that I found out was how much more enjoyable it is to write about things that I find interesting. I have written about my favorite television shows, movies, and sports. In doing this the assignments felt so much less like assignments and more like I just wanted to write about them.

About Arts:
I did not learn as much about the arts as I did in the other categories but there were definitely some aspects. Going to the Palmer Museum was definitely worth my while and an enjoyable experience. I got to see still art which I have not seen in a little while. Seeing the play was also interesting. Although I did not enjoy the plot of the play that much I still found it entertaining with the live music and dancing. 


Hi, Ms. S--I completed my SRTEs!

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