Friday, September 7, 2012

Analysis Of My Blog

Template: My main priority while creating this blog was to make it easy to read and navigate. Many of the aspects were used to make my blog unique and original. Although, for the most part, the more relevant decisions were made in favor of making the blog as simple as possible when it came to getting the needed information.  I wanted to make good, efficient use of space and not have anything too close or too far apart. It was very necessary to make everything easily distinguishable. The Picture Window template allowed for an interesting and visually pleasing picture without making the text difficult to read. I also did not want to have any vision of the picture directly behind the text as to not distract the reader from what he/she is reading.

Title: Since this blog is both personal and used as an educational tool, I wanted a title that suites both. I chose one that was creative, but also related to the class.

Color: I chose the wood boards background because it gave a structured and organized feel to the page. The other colors used were based on colors one would find it a forest to coincide with the wood.

Font: In light of the length of some of the posts on this blog, I decided that a crisp, clear, easily-visible font would be the most effective. For the title, however, I decided on a more fun and decorative font, which gives the impression that it was hand-painted onto the wood background.

Pages: I have decided against the use of pages for the time being. Since my 'About Me'  section is considerably brief, I felt it was easiest to just add it to the sidebar and make it easily visible. Due to the limited information located on the blog, thus far, I did not feel the necessity of the use of pages just yet. 

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